Intellectual Property


At Nieto & Nieto Lawyers, our extensive experience in the intellectual property area has allowed us to provide high quality services to our clients not only in Colombia and the Andean region, but also in other countries such as Turkey, United States, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador and many more.

We have extensive experience in trademark registration and protection, along the Nice International Classification. We have successfully handled trademark oppositions and cancellations in various jurisdictions.

In addition, we offer advice and accompaniment in strategies for the protection of trademarks and other intellectual property rights, review and drafting of licensing and transfer of rights agreements, as well as representation of our clients in cases of infringement of intellectual property rights.

Why us?

With over 20 years of experience, in Nieto & Nieto Lawyers we offer tailored intellectual property advice to clients in various industries. Our global reach ensures protection of intellectual property in multiple jurisdictions

Finally, at Nieto & Nieto Lawyers we have a robust technological infrastructure to ensure data security and efficient online processes. Our expertise in technology and intellectual property law allows us to advise clients on IP issues in the digital age.

Our services


Protection of trademarks and distinctive signs

At Nieto & Nieto Lawyers, we assist our clients in the protection of trademarks and distinctive signs, such as trade names, slogans and logos, which are important for the identification of the products or services offered by their organizations or companies. We assist with registration and enforcement of trademark and distinctive sign rights. By protecting these assets, third parties are prevented from using them without authorization, which could generate economic losses and damage to the reputation of the company.


We handle patent and industrial design proceeding

We offer advice in the drafting and registration of patents and industrial designs, which are important tools for the protection of innovation and intellectual property. In addition, we provide representation in case of disputes or legal actions related to these procedures.


Copyright protection

This service consists of advising and representing our clients in the protection of their copyrights on literary, artistic, scientific and software works, through the registration and defense of rights in case of infringements.


IP licensing and assignment advice

We provide advice in the negotiation and structuring of assignment or licensing schemes of intellectual property rights, which allows clients to obtain economic benefits from the exploitation of their intangible assets, either through the sale or lease of intellectual property rights.

Our team
