Taxes, customs and foreign trade


Aware of the importance of obtaining the greatest possible financial and tax efficiency, we provide comprehensive tax advice, including tax planning, litigation, and transfer pricing. We represent clients in tax disputes before administrative and judicial authorities. Likewise, we assist with customs compliance for domestic and foreign companies.

In this area, we have successfully defended companies in DIAN investigations and obtained free warehouse authorizations. DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales) is the Colombian National Tax and Customs Directorate. It is the government agency responsible for administering taxes, customs duties, and other related revenues in Colombia.

Why us?

We provide personalized tax and customs compliance advice. Failure to comply in these areas can result in penalties and fines that negatively affect the financial performance of any company or individual.

Furthermore, in an increasingly globalized world, it is essential to count on Nieto & Nieto Lawyers and its knowledge. Our expertise and connections in foreign trade helps clients capitalize on international business opportunities. Our multidisciplinary team is permanently updated on regulations and international trade agreements to ensure compliance in the trade of goods and services.

Finally, we provide comprehensive tax planning and compliance services to help clients minimize taxes and ensure effective tax management.

Our services


Tax planning

At Nieto & Nieto Lawyers, we work with our clients to develop tax strategies that allow them to minimize their tax burden and maximize their tax efficiency. We also help our clients identify tax saving opportunities and implement appropriate solutions.


Comprehensive tax advice

We offer comprehensive tax advice throughout a company's lifecycle. We provide tax compliance, accounting, and advisory services.


Representation before tax authorities

We represent our clients in any procedure before tax authorities such as the National Tax and Customs Directorate -DIAN-, from audits to tax litigation. At Nieto & Nieto Lawyers, we defend our client's interests and work to solve problems efficiently and effectively.


Foreign trade advisory services

We advise, accompany and represent our clients to comply with international regulations and trade agreements, allowing them to take full advantage of business opportunities in the global market.


Customs advisory services

We provide customs advice to help our clients comply with customs regulations and laws in Colombia, from the import and export of goods to customs risk management.

Our team
